Image Upload and Retrieval from Server Using AWS API Gateway Proxy+ and Lambda

Preetham Shreyas
3 min readMay 9, 2021

There are lot of articles and code samples in internet where we can find bits and pieces on how to handle binary data in AWS Gateway and how to send form-data or how to process form-data in AWS Gateway proxy+.

But no one has given end to end working sample code for handling binary data or to handle form-data

So I have created a simple AWS Gateway using which you can upload and retrieve image or binary data from server.

  1. Login to your AWS Console
  2. Click on services. Under Compute select Lambda
  3. In AWS Lambda page, click on “Create function” button
Create Lambda function editor.

5. Enter “proxy-lambda” in Function name text box

6. Leave other things as it is and click on “Create Function” button

7. Click on “Index.js” file

8. Copy paste the below code

9. Click on Deploy

10. Go to AWS Console, select AWS Gateway

11. Click on “Create API” button


13. Select “REST API

14. Click on Actions and select “Create Resource

15. In “New Child Resource” page select “proxy resource” checkbox

16. Click on “Create Resource” button

17. In Proxy Setup page, select “Integration type” as Lambda Function Proxy

18. Select the region where you have created “proxy-lambda” in previous step

19. In “Lambda Function” textbox enter “proxy-lambda”

20. Click on “Save” button

21. “Add Permission to Lambda Function” popup will appear. Click on “OK” button

In left menu, under “your-api-name”, click on Settings

22. Scroll down to “Binary Media Types

23. Click on + “Add Binary Media Type

24. In textbox enter “*/*” and click on Save Changes” (*/* means any binary content type)

25. Now deploy API

26. Click on “Actions”, select “Deploy API

27. In Deploy API popup, Select “[New Stage]”

28. Enter Stage name as “Dev” or “Prod” and click on “Deploy” button.

29. Test your new API in postman.

